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Financial Fluency #007 - Leading & Lagging KPI's

Mar 16, 2024

Today, we'll dive into the world of month-end financial reviews and explore how you can effectively leverage both leading and lagging Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in your decision-making process. 


"If you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it"


To effectively manage your month-end financial review, it's crucial to leverage both leading and lagging KPIs. Leading KPIs provide insights into future performance and help you identify trends and opportunities. Lagging KPIs, on the other hand, reflect historical performance and allow you to evaluate past results.

By combining these two types of indicators, you can gain a comprehensive view of your department's financial situation and make informed decisions to drive success.


Here's how you can leverage leading and lagging KPIs in your month-end financial review:


Leading KPIs

  • Identify relevant leading indicators: Determine which metrics have a strong correlation with the desired outcomes of your department. For example, if you manage a sales team, leading indicators could include the number of qualified leads generated or the activity level of your sales representatives.
  • Establish targets: Set realistic targets for your leading indicators based on historical data and future projections. These targets will serve as benchmarks for tracking progress and evaluating performance.
  • Monitor and analyze: Regularly track and analyze the leading indicators to identify emerging trends and potential areas of improvement. This proactive approach enables you to make adjustments and optimize your team's performance before issues arise.


Lagging KPIs

  • Choose relevant lagging indicators: Select lagging KPIs that accurately reflect the past performance of your department. Examples may include revenue, expenses, profit margins, or customer satisfaction scores.
  • Review historical data: Analyze the trends and patterns in your lagging indicators over time. Look for correlations between different KPIs and identify any areas of concern or success.
  • Conduct variance analysis: Compare your actual results with your targets or benchmarks. Understand the reasons behind any discrepancies and use this information to make informed decisions and set future goals. 


By integrating leading and lagging KPIs into your month-end financial review, you can gain a holistic understanding of your department's financial performance. This knowledge empowers you to make data-driven decisions, identify improvement opportunities, and steer your team towards success.


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